Welcome to the Temperature Theory Page.


Temperature, a measure of the quantity of heat in an object, usually as measured on a thermometer, meter data-logger


The principle by which instruments measures temperature is simple - sensor is placed in the sample, a potential is applied across the sensor and the current or resistance  is measured and converted into temperature.  Generally, the potential is very low when thermistor being use as the sensing elements to prevent self heating.


Temperature Conversion equations:


Kelvin: °K= °C + 273.15

Centigrade: °C = (°F-32) x 5/9 

Fahrenheit: °F = (9/5 x °C) +32

Rankin: °R= °F + 459.67


Note: 5/9 = 0.5555555 and 9/5 = 1.8

For example: 25.01°C = 198.16°K = 77.018°F = 536.688°R




The degree of heat of a living body an excess of this over the normal 37C or 98.6F in humans (fever)

The degree of heat of the atmosphere is the ability of a solution to conduct electric current.