Electrode Are
light-weight and durable,
suitable for a wide range of applications. Mating is by
a 2-stud bayonet lock (BNC "male" type
connector). Our pH electrodes
Are made to exacting standards. Every electrode is tested for
response, speed, slope, E(0) isolation, drift and
temperature response. You can rely on your EID pH electrode to
deliver dependable measurements now and well into the future.
Use it with your PROBER-PH8
Meter/Logger for the highest accuracy and maximum performance.
- General Purpose pH
Electrode (GPH) pH
combination electrode, epoxy body, fixed guard, PIN junction,
12mm * 120mm, 0-14 pH range
it is the most economical pH electrode on the market. the
ELECTRODER-GPH provides reliable and accurate performance.
Popular in routine pH determinations, it comes with unique
designs. Featuring built in bulb guards.
It offers high performance
at attractive prices. It's shipped with a soaker bottle, which
guarantees high performance out of the box without conditioning
the electrode each time.

- ReFillable
Glass pH
Electrode (FGP)
combination electrode, glass body, annular ceramic junction,
12mm * 120mm, 0-14 pH range

- Glass pH
Electrode (GLP) pH
combination electrode, glass body, annular ceramic junction 12mm
* 120mm, 0-14 pH range

- Glass Spear-Tip
Electrode (STP) pH
combination electrode, glass body, annular ceramic junction 12mm
* 120mm, 0-14 pH range

- Glass Refillable
Spear-Tip Semi-Micro
pH Electrode
(SMP) pH
comb. electrode, glass body, annular ceramic junction 12mm* 8mm
* 65mm "I" * 150mm, 0-14 pH range

- General Purpose Micro pH
Electrode (GMP) pH
combination electrode, epoxy body, annular ceramic junction 6mm
* 230mm, 0-14 pH range 
- Flat Head pH
Electrode (FPH) pH
combination electrode, epoxy body, flat surface, PIN junction
12mm * 120mm, 0-13 pH range 
- Screw-On pH
Electrode (SPH) pH
combination electrode, in-line with 1/2" NPT, ABS body,
teflon junction 12mm * 120mm, 0-14 pH range

- Flat Head Screw-On pH
Electrode (FSP) pH
combination electrode, in-line with 1/2" NPT, ABS body,
teflon junction 12mm * 120mm, 0-14 pH range
EID's low cost electrodes fitting:
Simply slide, twist and look any
10mm to 14mm electrode (probe) into a pipe, tanks or tee fitting
utilizing the ELECTRODER-FT5 Compression Fitting Gland.
For an additional gland fittings
diameters see also our
Liquid-Tight Strain Relief Grips.
The ELECTRODER-FT5 strain relief
elements tighten in a circular sequence on the sealing ring to
give outstanding strain relief without twisting or damaging the
electrode, providing a liquid-tight electrode-grip.
The ELECTRODER-FT5 accepts a wide range of
electrodes diameters due to large opening and highly flexible
strain relief elements, together with a TPE sealing ring.
- GPH 12mm diameter pH electrode mounted in ELECTRODER-FT5
electrode fitting
pH electrodes are furnished standard with a 3-foot low noise
coaxial (RG-174) cable and BNC connector. Cable extension lengths
up to 12 feet are available.
When longer distance requires, or when using the electrode in a industrial
environment, use our pH unity gain amplifier AMPER-PH1
Corp. offers many types and styles of OEM pH electrodes both
with single and double junction. We will
customize them for you. Let us know the style you are
looking for and we will produce to your specifications. Contact EID Sales
team for more details. Join the thousands who use them every
day worldwide.

Many of you asked us -- what
are the purchase volume requirements for custom labeling?
labeling requires minimum purchasing quantities of 50 units
manual and electrode care.
pH electrode Manual