Drive Current or Voltage Multi Configuration Servo
Amplifier with PID and Dither Control interface board
is an OEM electronics
servo amplifier board that allows one to control the current or
the voltage drive to a servo motor or valve. The servo
motor/valve signal amplification and control are set via PID mathematical
integrated on the board. Every
facility should
have a few of these boards handy. The Terminal Block TB
connector is included and makes it easy to use.

Servo Amplifier with Dither and PID
Standard Board (top) with fully populated
On board Settings and fine adjustments:
Rails Power LED
Dither On/Off
settings and frequency adjustments
Main Gain, Scale,
Trim and Bias adjustments
Proportional On/Off
settings and adjustments
Integral On/Off
settings, adjustments and external "cut-off" relay
function with LED indicator.
Derivative On/Off
settings, gain adjustments and derivative frequency
Output current or
bi-polar voltage drive select
Inner Loop Input
Configure servo
amplifier your way PID, PI, ID, P or Open-Loop...