kit allows you to measure degrees
F. It will display on a LCD display (3.5 Digits)


Model A Includes:
Model B Includes:
kit utilizing EID 3.5 digit voltmeter display to show very
accurate temperature (degrees F) readings using only few
external components.
temperature reading obtains from the LM34 (solid state
temperature transducer) in a form of voltage, 1mV per degree Fahrenheit.
The device (LM34) output is linearly proportional to their
ambient temperature. For example at room temperature 77 degrees
Fahrenheit the output voltage is 770mV DC. According to the
specification (National Semiconductor TM) the device
provide typical accuracy of +/-0.5 degree F at room temperature,
and +/-1.5 degrees Fahrenheit at full operating temperature rang
of -50 to 300F.
even thought the device is specified to operate below 32 degree Fahrenheit,
this kit shows temperature range of 32-150 Degrees Fahrenheit. This
due to the display operation temperature limitations. To obtain higher
temperature readings 0-199C use extension wire between the
device and the board. Be advise you should compensate the lost
of wire voltage via P1.
board is power of 11-16V DC or AC. The
bridge D1-D4 (model A only), together with the capacitor C1, will convert input AC voltage to DC
Voltage (See above kit drawing model A). Additionally, the diode bridge ensures that the
polarity of the bridge output remains the same regardless of the
input voltage polarity. It's what we call "dummy-proof." Let's say,
for example, the board is powered by a 12V car battery, the output polarity remains
the same no matter how you connect the power to the board's
diodes bridge.
other side of the diodes bridge drives the voltage regulator U1 (regulator). Regulators usually
having three legs, it converts
varying input voltages and produces a constant regulated output
voltage. They are available in a variety of outputs. The most common part numbers
of the regulator starts with the numbers 78 or 79, and finish
with two digits indicating the output voltage. The number 78
represents positive voltage, and 79 a negative one. The 78XX series
of voltage regulators are designed for positive input. And the
79XX series is designed for negative input. The LM78XX series typically has the ability to drive currents up to 1A.
Application such as this, required less then 150mA, 78LXX can be used.
Therefore, we used the 78L09 as regulator to power this board. As mentioned
above, the component has three legs: Input leg which can hold up to
36VDC (we recommend not to exceed 24V), Common leg (GND) and an output leg with the regulator's
voltage. For maximum voltage regulation, adding capacitor C2 in parallel between the common leg and the output is usually
recommended. C2 a 0.1MF capacitor is used. This eliminates any high frequency AC
voltage that could otherwise combine with the output voltage.
See above circuit diagram for the kit.
model B, we substitute the diode bridge and the 78L08 regulator
with adjustable regulator Lm317. Together with two resistor R1
and R2 provide regulated output voltage of about 9VDC.
the LM317 output voltage:
= 1.25V + (1.25V/R1) * 1.5K = 9.0625V
since the sensor output can generate voltage up to 1.5V at 150F,
the sensor output voltage connected to the display via the
voltage divider R3 and P1 combination. This will insure 10:1
voltage ratio
needed to drive the displays input of 0-200mV.