the MAX1236 (Maxim Inc, www.maxim-ic.com
) surface mount (SMT) integrated circuit (IC).
4-channels single-ended or 2-differential-channels 12-bits Analog to digital converter (ADC) with built-in
4.096V reference voltage. The device controlled via 2 wires
Clock and Data (I2C protocol). This kit is ideal for portable
and battery-powered applications.

A includes input filters.

The MAX1236 is a low-power 12-bit,
multi-channel analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) feature
internal track/hold (T/H), internal 4.096V reference voltage,
clock, and an I2C-compatible -- 2-wire serial interface
(clock and data). The device operates from a single supply
voltage of 4.5V to 5.5V and require only 670µA at the maximum
sampling rate of 94.4ksps. Supply current falls below 230µA for
sampling rates under 46ksps. Automatic shutdown -- powers down
between conversions, reducing supply current to less than 1µA
at low throughput rates. The MAX1236 has four analog input
channels. The fully differential analog inputs are software
configurable for uni-polar or bi-polar, and single-ended or
differential operation.
The full-scale analog
input range is determined by the internal reference or by an
externally applied reference voltage ranging from 1V to VCC. As
mentioned above The MAX1236 feature a 4.096V internal
The MAX1236 is available in an 8-pin µMAX package.
The MAX1236 is guaranteed over the extended temperature range
(-40°C to +85°C). For pin-compatible 10-bit parts, refer to
the MAX1136-MAX1139 data sheet. For pin-compatible 8-bit parts,
refer to the MAX1036-MAX1039 data sheet.
device is also support high-speed I2C-compatible serial Interface,
both, 400kHz fast-mode and
1.7MHz high-speed mode. The device has excellent dynamic
performance (SINAD > 70dB), and excellent DC accuracy
(INL = ±1LSB).
the board to your PC parallel port or USB port via 4 wires (5V, GND,
Clock, Data), few lines of code and you have high performance
12bit 4 channels ADC.

Block Diagram
Max1236 has internal reference voltage of 4.096V since the
IC conversion is via 12bit ( 2^12 = 4096). you will be able to measure
voltage increments of 1mV {V_Ref / (2^12) = 4.096V / 4096 =
it to one of our OP-AMP boards set your input gain and build
your won PC base voltmeter.
Includes model A:
Includes model B: